WORTEX 3.0 pca
& WORTEX 2.0 Wortex Project was continued with Wortex ver. 2.0 and 3.0 PCA. Version 2.0 is Vigneire chiper with added compression. Compression algorithm is my invention also. It isn't something big, but working on it helped me develop technique ,which later I found out, is the way all compression programs work. This version has never been presented to the public. Wortex 3.0 PCA is the last encryption algorithm I made before getting access to Internet. Before Internet I was without any information about state of art and classical algorithms for encryption, back then I was inventor of gun powder . Wortex 3.0 was presented on State Review of Young Researchers in 1997. Algorithm is based on using TMNS to produce substitution table. Encryption is simple substitution of 3-bit blocks according to byte from a key. It is not recommend to use it because it is very weak and simple. However it is the last member of Wortex family algorithms made before knowing anything about real cryptography. Source code of Wortex 2.0 and Wortex 3.0 PCA are publicly available, Documentation of Wortex 3.0 include TMNS part in it.