& my research work

Here the full hronology of my research and design work in cryptography is published. My efforts are concentrated on cryptographic primitives [block and stream ciphers]. Also there is the accompaning theoretical research and profound design rationale for each algorithm.

The algorithms are not and will not be patented. Every individual can use them for free. Code optimizations, language and enviroment ajusments are allowed, any modification of the algorithms that does not affect the design as here specified is granted to the user. [OR as long as user implementations are compatible with those here published]

Wortex 1.11 - My first encryption program, my first program at all, writen in BASIC when I was 8th grade in Elementary School. There is nothing more than Vigineire but that was a "invention" for me.

TMNS - Algorithm for permutation generation, my first research work

Wortex 3.0 PCA and Wortex 2.0 - Advanced versions of Wortex, Jast a pice of cake, but the that is my begining.

Anigma Development History - Developement versions of Anigma Different experiments and test versions

Anigma - Algorithm for block encryption
my first serious design, ideas here presented are the subject of the future research and improuvement

Mex - Algorithm for message digest
the REALY firs algorithm

ASIGMATIKON Project - Revision of Anigma

SQ Project   - complete redesign of ASIGMATIKON

Z876 SQ3 - Block Cipher optimize for speed

Theoretical Models Separate page about theoretical foundations of cipher design: Polymorphic Encryption and Stream Cipher Design Postulates